Thursday, August 09, 2007

Small incidents in my life, which took me by surprise.. I cherish the memories..

  • An email, after 8yrs, from a classmate, who used to always pick up fights with me.. but now was a great friend!

  • A call from a friend after 2yrs on his birthday, sitting alone somewhere, and pouring his heart out about his loneliness.. how I felt? Sad that he was lonely, happy that he considered me a good friend and content that I could console him.

  • Scrapped a person, after 12yrs whom I always knew by face, but never spoke to him.. My friend's elder brother.. now my best friend!

  • It all started when I hit upon a group on Orkut, yes I finally met all my friends whom I had last seen when I was in 3rd Std, almost 15yrs later, we were chatting and talking and trying to catch up.. after all 15yrs were to be covered!

  • While watching news on TV a particular name struck me.. a reporter.. from Jammu.. After 4yrs just sifting through a friend's blog the same name stares back at me... Am I excited? Yes!

  • A girl, who did the same things which I did, I did not even know she existed, just had a common friend .. yes.. coincidences:- we bought earrings the same day, we ate Chinese the same day, we picked up fights the same day and tonnes more.. she somewhere in Delhi.. me here in Pune.. thanks to the common friend's observation.. I found a twin sister!!

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