Sunday, November 12, 2006

It feels good to be back and blogging.. :)

Recently I dont know why but I seem to be really noticing this one particular element H2O. Of course already a lot has been said about its sweetness on a thirsty throat. But have you ever tried the following:
1. While preparing for exams, generallly I used to stay awake late in the night and used to have a huge bottle of water to accompany me. While studying I used to sip the water and feel it go down my food pipe, its a strange feeling, you can feel the cool of the water as it moves down the food pipe.
2. People say that the right way to drink coffee is to take a sip of coffee, but dont gulp it down, keep it in your mouth, roll your tongue and feel its texture and taste, thats the way you do justice to the taste of coffee, and thats when coffee tastes the best. Ever tried that with water?
3. Try this once, take a huge bottle of water, drink a glass of water from it, it feels normal. Now slowly keep drinking the water even if your stomach is full and you dont feel like drinking water.
WARNING: Dont drink so much that you puke, keep it in control.
Carefully observe the taste of water, it gradually changes, the taste which you got with the first glass of water wont be the same which you get with the 2nd glass or the 5th one. (I personally could never go beyond the 5th)

My experimentation is still on.. If you guys still have something more to share do lemme know.. I bet this one element will surely amaze you! :)


Prasoon said...

Mom places a bottle of water by my side and tells me to finish it within 3 hours :| - i still have it beside me..

Don't ask me how it feels when i have to taking down the last gulp :P

Kakshi said...

See... its such a trivial thing that we fail to notice...but when we do notice it we realise its importance :)
thanks Prasoon for sharing your experience!

Sreejith Panickar said...

God!!!! So much to try... I feel like losing the 'taste' of water! :-(

Shweta, I liked the warning at the end!

Kakshi said...

Hey its fun try..
I bet you will develop a taste for water rather than losing it.. :)
Yeah.. the warning was a must ;)