Monday, May 07, 2007
- Neel said...
It is almost funny when such kinda yes/ no debates prop up in todays world for we are far advanced a civilization for relevant issues to be having a solution or even an answer in a binary form (black/ white). There are always shades of grey everywhere and we need to discern such possibilities which may arise in such issues.
As far as the Indian Media being responsible, I think it is more responsible now than what it has ever been.
I wont go into historical details, but leading dailies seldom voiced their opinion/ even reported events which they were ought to, be it pre/ post independence era.
While pre-independence era reporting was tied down to reporting what the rulers needed to hear (many publications being exceptions to this), post - independence reporting was recumbent owing to the popularity of a single political party at tht time.
In recent times, the media has been responsible in major victories of truth and justice.
They did not let the system protect the powerful.
Take the examples of Priyadarshini Mattoo, Nitish Katara, Jessica Lal,
Manjunath Shanmugam.
All these signifying the dawn of modern day renaissance in journalism - which fulfils its duties.
Even the Perreira case was given apt importance to reiterate the fact. We must also not forget how responsibly the media behaved in the abominable Marine Drive rape case.
Sensationalism is a part of reporting. Its the bread and butter of the millions of journalists we have. However to question their morality and generalize it in the wrong sense is blatantly inappropriate in my opinion. -
9:53 PM
- Kakshi said...
A very good point Neel..
However, we never denied the role of the media, but let me also tell you it was not the sole effort of the media which brought justice to this case. A major part was also played by the masses.. there were innumerable demonstrations held by the youth..We need to give them credit too..
Also, please watch out for my next article..that will answer another dimension of your comment..
Shweta -
10:35 PM
Too much to talk sbout in this context. The interview you did was great, but it raises more questions.
Lets talk about yellow journalism first, from what I researched, this is yellow journalism; Yellow journalism is a pejorative reference to journalism that features scandal-mongering, sensationalism, jingoism or other unethical or unprofessional practices by news media organizations or individual journalists.
What I am saying is that Yellow Journalism refers to the sensationalization of news, so you may have some pretty ordinary news that is reported with a lot of, what can I say, salt and pepper?! Yes, its meant to increase circulation/TRPs, well basically anything that indicates a widening of the audience.
To quote something I read somewhere "While bland infotainment and unethical corporate media practices may be considered "yellow" in the sense of "cowardly," the term yellow journalism traditionally refers to news organizations for whom some combination of sensationalism, profiteering, propaganda, journalistic bias or jingoism takes dominance over factual reporting and the profession's public trust."
I think the big issue here is not just sensationalism, I think what worries you is the fact that the reporter/journalist, who was aware of the incident before-hand, did not take any action against the assailants. Its a grey area, on the one hand, if journalists start revealing their sources to the authorities, the wrong doings of the powers that be will not be exposed, as clandestine information will not be so willingly divulged by sensitive sources! Incidents like the Watergate Scandal in the US would not have come to light if the sources of the journalists had been jeopardised by the journalists themselves, and no one who is also a party to a crime would ever feel secure revealing possibly incriminating information to the Fourth Estate, would your journalist friend call the part by part revelation of the Watergate Scandal an example of Yellow Journalism? On the other hand, abusing this privilege could lead to Journalists & Reporters being used in power games, and thus defeating their purpose as guardians of truth.
I think neither side is completely wrong or right, I think, all said and done, this would have to be left to the editor to decide. Hope he/she takes the right decision, well the editor can always replace any offensive material with some photos of Ash and Abhishek's wedding!!! :-)
OK...just realised that you have censorship set up on your blog comments...I tried to post my comments twice...before I came to that realisation....I am disgusted by this, I mean it!!! I was under the impression that you supported free speech as a fundamental right, but looks like you do not!! I am pretty sure this comment will not show up in the blog comments...but i don't care, had to vent!!! If you moderate comments on posts, you should not let visitors post any comments at all!
Again, I apologise for my naivete, I will never post a comment to your blog, unless you convince me that this little piece of censorship you implement is not to hinder free speech.
Hey there..
Not at all.. I dont even read things posted by people I know .. i just publish them..
This censorship is to prevent someone from posting vulgar comments on my blog..
Hope you realise the need of this..
I am sorry if this offended you in any sense.. but trust me.. it is really in place for the reason i mentioned above and nothing else!
Well I guess there has been a slight ocnfusion..
According to you..
"Yellow Journalism refers to the sensationalization of news"
and I guess the general context, from watever i can gather, is that its also used for creation of news..
There is a very slight difference.. between creation of news.. sensationalizing news.. and news in the context of what we were talking of..about a planned assassination.
Well.. as far as scandals are concerned your point is correct.. but here the point being discussed is about some freak group taking law in their hands! I understand the delicate relationship between a journalist and his sources..
I agree that there are a lot of things on stake.. and the journalist, may be correct.. in not revealing this information beforehand.. but why only talk about this one news.. tell me in general is Indian Media really Responsible?!
I agree with you to some extent, but I still think its a grey area, political scandals that I mentioned are incidental, its still a crime nevertheless. Anyways, no, I don't think the Indian media acts responsibly, but in the time that I have been in the US, I have realised, neither does the media here, so thats two countries, I don't know about the rest but I don't think its too farfetched to believe that most media, almost all over the world is corrupt, in some cases the corruption might be too much.
Well I guess you are right..corruption has seeped so deeply inside in this today's world..its almost like blood pumping continuously through the veins of this nation!