The first time I got a fish tank, my father got me a pair of Black Mollys and a pair of Goldfish. One of the goldfish was named Pebbles and the other Bubbles. Later, as time went by, we added more goldfish to the tank. As most of you might be aware that goldfish are very delicate, any climatic change occurs and they die. Also, they arent able to judge how much they should eat. The more you feed them, the more they eat, and they may instantaneously die of overeating. Bubbles didnt last long, she died, the reason, I couldnt infer. As more and more fish were added, their deaths also continued. Its very sad to see a fish die. When they are alive, they are such marvellous creatures. They are beautiful, delicate, active, they soon become a part of the family. Many might think, how is this possible? But, its true. It was either my mother or me who used to feed them, and the moment they would sense either of us near the fish tank, they would all swim up and open their tiny mouths expecting food. But, if a stranger would come close, they would all swim to the bottom and the corner most spot of the tank and stay there, till that person left. I dont know how they were able to identify me or my mother? I think that was all possible because we had an unseen bond among us.
So, like I said, many fish wouldnt even last a couple of days, and would die. But, Pebbles, she was different. She lasted the longest. I guess because she was my favourite. We had to keep changing the water of the tank every fortnight or so, and we needed to transfer the fish, so that we could clean the tank and fill fresh water. When I used to fish out the other fish they would panic, first of all it used to be really difficult to catch hold of a live fish in the tank, to top it many of them would slip out of my hands. This operation was very difficult. Coz you need to have patience, you need to have a good deal of concentration and need to be highly careful, you cannot squeeze a fish or grab it roughly, all this has to be done very very tenderly. But, Pebbles, she was very calm. The moment I used to put my hand in the water, she would swim upto my palm and peck it. I would take her in my palm, and she would still remain calm. Pebbles was the best! She used to have tonnes of fun. In another incidence, I had got this really tiny, baby goldfish, and she had so much energy, so much of it, I cant explain. She would keep on swimming all across the tank. If the other fish were sleeping (I dont know when a fish sleeps as they dont have eyelids, so sleeping here relates to a fish almost motionless in a corner) she would go on bumping in them and waking them up ( waking = sudden startled movements just after the sleeping phase). She was naughty, and such a darling. So when it was time for this little monster to sleep, she would quietly swim towards pebbles, cuddle up under her and sleep. No one dared to disturb the little devil when she was with Pebbles.
In a village you have a wise man to whom everyone goes for advice, and everyone respects him and his word, Pebbles was something like that in my tank. Always calm, suave, charming and the wisest of all.
Pebbles was alive for more than a year. I remember just before dying, she bloated up and her body tilted on one side (generally happens when a fish is about to die). I knew her end had arrived, and no matter what I tried I knew she would die suffering like this, I felt very helpless. That night I took Pebbles in a separate jar, and I prayed. Prayed, that she gets well. Prayed that she doesnt suffer. But, I think, her death was end to her suffering. It really pains to see a fish just before its about to die.
Even though Pebbles is no longer with me, I still remember her, I still miss her. I am sure there was a special bond we shared, there was always something between the two of us, she was my favourite fish, the best of all! I miss you Pebbles! But, death is not the end, but a beginning! I wish Pebbles all the best for her new beginning!
Now, this blog is nice. write more such stuff.
thank u ashwin...
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