There is so much to say, so much to write, I don’t know where to start, what to write what not to, it’s all so overwhelming. May be I will do it piece by piece, bit by bit.
Nagda even after 16years it’s still fresh in my memory, distinctly. My mind is flooded with images at the mere mention of the name ‘Nagda’. I guess I can write a complete novel on this topic. My home 71/3, balcony, pond, school, dance classes, so many words, I guess this page will fail to contain them all. I can see my mind, personified, smirking at me, every time it sees me fail behind those millions of images it throws at me. I wished science and technology were so advanced that all I had to do was open the doors of my mind for you to see a beautiful life of a little girl in a small town. Oh! How I wish I had Dumbledore’s pensieve, if only J K Rowling’s magical world was for real, if only.
I was barely 7years old when we left Nagda; a few pictures helped me remember the many faces that were once an inseparable part of my life. Nagda was one huge home, with everyone; yes every single person there was a part of a family. It was an extended family you can say. Same friends at school, same friends to play with at home, aunties stitching frocks for you, neighborhood uncles bringing toys for you from the market, what else one can ask for, one could freely roam, after all Nagda was home! I hope you get the picture, I personally believe, you have to live in Nagda to experience it, to believe it, to believe I am telling the truth. All those who have once been part of Nagda, would swear to make you believe, I ain’t lying.
Nagda, is one place where you get everything, a club to play badminton, table-tennis, basket
(P.S: I am gonna keep writing this.. its gonna take a long long time for me to finish there is so much to write)